Senior Spotlight - Peyton Quimby

Peyton is a senior at Victoria West High School. When asked what she liked most about her High School years, she said she really loved being in band. This is where she met her best friends and is the source of most of her favorite memories.

Peyton joined our team in March of 2020. One of the leaders said, “Peyton is a sweet young lady who is always eager to learn and help. She brings a gorgeous smile to work and if fun to be around.” Thank you for the team spirit, Peyton!
After graduation she will be attending Washington and Lee to pursue a PhD in History with a focus on 1400-1800 British Isles. Her goal is to become a college professor and an author.
In Peyton’s down time she likes to watch her favorite movie series Star Wars and read. She also likes to plan for her future by planning her courses and getting ready for dorm life.
A phrase that Peyton lives by is “carpe diem”; which means to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future. We have no doubt Peyton will do just that!
