Senior Spotlight - Destiny Clay

Destiny is a senior at Faith Academy High School. When asked what she enjoyed the most about High School she said making memories with her classmates. Attending a private school made for a small group that she stayed with throughout her school journey so many strong friendships are present.

Destiny joined our team in January of 2019 and is known as “Cheese” due to her beautiful smile while delivering meals to our guests. One of her leaders said, “She’s a hard-working teammate who is always nice and smiles big!” Thank you for the smiles, Destiny!
After graduation she will participate in the Viking Islander Program in Corpus Christi to pursue becoming a History Professor. This program is a partnership between Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Del Mar College so she will enjoy education and benefits of both campuses! She is also considering a profession as a school principal in the future.
During her down time, she enjoys cleaning, art and listening to music. She really enjoys having things organized and being creative when life slows down.
A scripture that Destiny values is Romans 12:2 and reads “Do not conform to the pattern of this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” We have no doubt that Destiny will change lives with her faith, smile and passion for learning!
