Senior Spotlight - Morgan Kimbrough

Morgan is a senior at Victoria East High School. When asked what she liked most about her High School years, she stated the friendships that she has made over the years.  Especially those made while playing on the volleyball team.

Morgan joined us in November of last year on the marketing team. She says she loves being in the community and representing for Chick-fil-A Victoria.  According to a leader in the restaurant, “Morgan is charismatic! She is like-able, sweet and has a genuine smile”.

After graduation, she will be attending Texas A&M at College Station, to acquire her masters degree in business and Marketing.  Her hopes are to get a position with a company in public relations so that she can continue to make an impact on the community around her. 

In Morgan’s down time she likes to watch Netflix and YouTube videos. She will also still spike a volleyball when given the opportunity.

A quote that she often refers to is “If it’s meant to be, it will be”.

We have no doubt that Morgan will do well on the next part of her journey.  Gig’em!!


  1. Morgan is my great niece. She is BEAUTIFUL and smart and has always been very respectful to people. So proud of Morgan. Just so sorry she will not get to have a prom and her High School graduation. But I know she will have a BEAUTIFUL College Graduation and be very successful in her goals and dreams. Prayers God will always protect her and guide her foot steps in this life. I Love you Morgan Your Great Aunt Carol from Kentucky


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