Senior Spotlight 2022- Alexis Rodriguez

Alexis Rodriguez

 Alexis is a senior at Victoria West High School. He is ready to leave the high school life behind and find his place in what really suits him. 

 Alexis is an avid gamer and is happiest with a headset on and a controller in his hands! He also enjoys partaking in some intense paintball matches with his buddies when he has time to spare.                                                                                   He has been our back-of-house "renaissance man" since September of 2021. From dishes to boards, Alexis can do it all. Not only is he efficient, but he works with the best attitude!                                                                                                       One of the reasons Alexis is looking forward to finishing up his senior year is that he would like to put his welding skills, that his father and high school teachers have instilled in him, into practice. In the fall, Alexis plans to join the Advanced Welding Program at Victoria College. It sounds like he'll already have a leg up and be prepared to take on anything college has in store for him!                                                                                                                                                  We can't wait to see you pursue your passions, Alexis! We know you will excel in any facet of life because of your determination!

Leader's Message: "Alexis is super nice! He is always ready to help and always respectful! He's a hard worker that's determined!"

"He's a hard-working young man! Great team player!"

